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Metal Detectable Long Handled Spoon

Metal Detectable Long Handled Spoon

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Blue detectable sample spoons with a long handle are made from a special chemically resistant grade of PP. They are moulded in a Class 100,000 cleanroom to ensure the cleanliness of the product. The robust design means they can be used for years and years or used as a single use product straight from the bag.

Simply unwrap and use. They are ideal for use with liquids, creams and pastes. The blue colour means they can easily seen if left in the material in line with HACCP guidelines.
  • QUALITY - Made from high quality PP. Conforms to the latest FDA and EU food requirements

  • FLEXIBILITY - 20ml volume is a standard size. Other sizes on request

  • FAST DELIVERY - Over 1 million stock items. Delivered almost everywhere within 1 - 2 days.

  • BUY WITH CONFIDENCE - Over 10,000 happy customers worldwide
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  Specification Sheets   Certificate
M1036B-50____Metal Detectable Long Handle Spoon 20ml - blue M1036B_MDT Long Handle Spoon - Certificate of Conformity
Part No. Description Pack Quantity Colour Individually Bagged Price Price+VAT Qty Compare Action
M1036B-20 20ml Long handled spoon straight. Metal Detectable PP 4 Blue Yes £12.57 £15.09 Compare